Code of Conduct
Oodenaw: Urban Indigenous Consulting Cooperative
Code of ConductOodenaw is guided by our personal and collective Indigenous values. Some of those values and principles include those from the 7 Grandmothers and Grandfathers, which reflect the wisdom, love, respect, bravery, honesty, humility, and truth that underpin our actions and decisions. As members of this cooperative, we are committed to upholding these values and fostering an inclusive, respectful, and culturally grounded community.
1. Commitment to Values
All board members and cooperative members pledge to abide by the Indigenous-led, community-based, and intergenerational values of Oodenaw. We honor and celebrate the unique contributions of every individual and the collective wisdom of our communities.
2. Roles and Responsibilities
Board members are responsible for vetting potential contracts and ensuring they align with the cooperative's values. Members shall make decisions that reflect the interests of the cooperative and shall not compromise their health. They have the right to involve other consultants from our team to fulfill contracts when needed. In some cases, it may be necessary to work with consultants who are not a part of or not yet a part of Oodenaw’s team.
3. Transparent Identity Verification
To protect the integrity of our cooperative and the communities we serve, all members who claim to be Indigenous must provide proof of Indigenous identity. This includes identifying their connection to a specific community/nation and sharing relevant documentation such as status/membership cards, family history, and/or verification from their community.
4. Privacy and Confidentiality
When necessary, we will use software that prioritizes privacy and stores data on Canadian servers, safeguarding sensitive information from unauthorized access.
5. Creating Safe Spaces
In cases of harassment, discrimination, or misconduct, Oodenaw will prioritize the safety and well-being of its members and communities. While circles may be used to address conflicts, we recognize that in some instances, a circle may not be the best form of mediation. In such cases, immediate termination may occur. Healing circles or other services may be offered to support all impacted parties, including clients and community members.
6. Accountability
Oodenaw values accountability as a means to maintain the integrity of our cooperative. Board members and cooperative members shall take responsibility for their actions and decisions. In case of any transgressions, an accountable and measured process will be followed to address the issue and ensure accountability.
7. Respectful Communication
As representatives of Oodenaw, members commit to communicating with kindness and respect. In particular, members of Oodenaw will pay special attention to bias when communicating across differences.
8. Integrity
Members of Oodenaw commit to upholding the highest standards of integrity, honesty, and ethical conduct in all aspects of participation within the cooperative. Each member’s actions and decisions reflect not only on themselves but also upon the reputation and collective values of Oodenaw.
9. Commitment to Learning and Growth
We foster a culture of continuous learning and growth within the cooperative. Members are encouraged to seek opportunities for personal and professional development to better serve our communities. We believe that through ongoing learning, we can continuously improve our services and make a greater impact.